Folder structure of Node.js

The folder structure of Node.js is as shown below.I

/libs contains all custom classes functions and modules.

/vendor or /support contains all the 3rd party libraries.

/spec is used for specifications for BDD tests.

/test is used for unit-tests and for an application. When NPM introduced a clean package management /support and /vendor are deprecates. The frameworks like express and mongoose has some additional folders. Those are:

/models – It contains the ORM modules.

/view-Used to store all view templates.

/public- All static contents like images, style sheets, client-side javaScript are stored in this folder.

/assets/images-contains image files.

/assets/pdf-contains the pdf files.

/css-contains the stylesheets.

/js-contains all client side javaScript.

/controllers-It contains all your express routes .

The CoffeScript-based Express has these changes in the folde structure.

/app-conatains javaScript .

The assets folder has separate subfolders as assets/js and assets/css for storing css files and js files. Similarly the public folder is also divided into subfolders which contain js, css, and img.

/src-contains all server-side CoffeScript files.