'Lease', 'names' => 'Leases', 'icon' => 'las la-list', /** * Singlular and plural name of the module */ 'title' => [ 'main' => 'Leases', 'sub' => 'Leases' ], /** * Singlular and plural name of the module */ 'groups' => [ 'main' => 'Main', 'images' => 'Images', 'details' => 'Details', 'settings' => 'Settings' ], /** * Form sub section name for the module. */ 'sections' => [ 'main' => 'Main', 'details' => 'Details', ], /** * Options for select/radio/check. */ 'options' => [ 'status' => [ [ 'key' => 'Draft', 'value' => 'Draft', 'text' => 'Draft', ], [ 'key' => 'Completed', 'value' => 'Completed', 'text' => 'Completed', ], [ 'key' => 'Cancelled', 'value' => 'Cancelled', 'text' => 'Cancelled', ], [ 'key' => 'Vacated', 'value' => 'Vacated', 'text' => 'Vacated', ], [ 'key' => 'Occupied', 'value' => 'Occupied', 'text' => 'Occupied', ], ], 'leasing_type' => [ [ 'key' => 'New Lease', 'value' => 'New Lease', 'text' => 'New Lease', ], [ 'key' => 'Renewal', 'value' => 'Renewal', 'text' => 'Renewal', ], ], 'period_stay' => [ [ 'key' => '1', 'value' => '1', 'text' => '1', ], [ 'key' => '2', 'value' => '2', 'text' => '2', ], [ 'key' => '3', 'value' => '3', 'text' => '3', ], [ 'key' => '4', 'value' => '4', 'text' => '4', ], [ 'key' => '5', 'value' => '5', 'text' => '5', ], [ 'key' => '6', 'value' => '6', 'text' => '6', ], [ 'key' => '7', 'value' => '7', 'text' => '7', ], [ 'key' => '8', 'value' => '8', 'text' => '8', ], [ 'key' => '9', 'value' => '9', 'text' => '9', ], [ 'key' => '10', 'value' => '10', 'text' => '10', ], ], 'renewable' => [ [ 'key' => 'Yes', 'value' => 'Yes', 'text' => 'Yes', ], [ 'key' => 'No', 'value' => 'No', 'text' => 'No', ], ], 'contract_signed' => [ [ 'key' => 'Yes', 'value' => 'Yes', 'text' => 'Yes', ], [ 'key' => 'No', 'value' => 'No', 'text' => 'No', ], ], 'payment_external_agency' => [ [ 'key' => 'Yes', 'value' => 'Yes', 'text' => 'Yes', ], [ 'key' => 'No', 'value' => 'No', 'text' => 'No', ], ], 'print_contract_on' => [ [ 'key' => 'Tenant', 'value' => 'Tenant', 'text' => 'Tenant', ], [ 'key' => 'Company', 'value' => 'Company', 'text' => 'Company', ], ], ], /** * Placeholder for inputs */ 'placeholder' => [ 'id' => 'Please enter id', 'agency_amount' => 'Please enter agency amount', 'ref' => 'Please enter ref', 'user_id' => 'Please enter user id', 'status' => 'Please select status', 'unit_id' => 'Please enter unit id', 'reservation_type' => 'Please enter reservation type', 'start_date' => 'Please select start date', 'end_date' => 'Please select end date', 'leasing_type' => 'Please select leasing type', 'period_stay' => 'Please select period stay', 'renewable' => 'Please select renewable', 'rent_year' => 'Please enter rent year', 'contract_rent' => 'Please enter contract rent', 'renewal_fee' => 'Please enter renewal fee', 'security_deposite' => 'Please enter security deposite', 'agency_fee' => 'Please enter agency fee', 'agency_fee_percent' => 'Please enter agency fee percent', 'payment_type' => 'Please enter payment type', 'observations' => 'Please enter observations', 'notes' => 'Please enter notes', 'documents' => 'Please enter documents', 'contract_signed' => 'Please select contract signed', 'contract_date' => 'Please select contract date', 'contract_issued_by' => 'Please enter contract issued by', 'premises' => 'Please enter premises', 'payment_external_agency' => 'Please select payment external agency', 'ext_agency_name' => 'Please enter ext agency name', 'commision' => 'Please enter commision', 'details' => 'Please enter details', 'print_contract_on' => 'Please select print contract on', 'vacating_date' => 'Please select vacating date', 'mngmt_amt' => 'Please enter mngmt amt', 'mngmt_perc' => 'Please enter mngmt perc', 'tenant_id' => 'Please enter tenant id', 'created_at' => 'Please select created at', 'updated_at' => 'Please select updated at', 'deleted_at' => 'Please select deleted at', ], /** * Labels for inputs. */ 'label' => [ 'id' => 'Id', 'agency_amount' => 'Agency amount', 'ref' => 'Ref', 'user_id' => 'User id', 'status' => 'Status', 'unit_id' => 'Unit id', 'reservation_type' => 'Reservation type', 'start_date' => 'Start date', 'end_date' => 'End date', 'leasing_type' => 'Leasing type', 'period_stay' => 'Period stay', 'renewable' => 'Renewable', 'rent_year' => 'Rent year', 'contract_rent' => 'Contract rent', 'renewal_fee' => 'Renewal fee', 'security_deposite' => 'Security deposite', 'agency_fee' => 'Agency fee', 'agency_fee_percent' => 'Agency fee percent', 'payment_type' => 'Payment type', 'observations' => 'Observations', 'notes' => 'Notes', 'documents' => 'Documents', 'contract_signed' => 'Contract signed', 'contract_date' => 'Contract date', 'contract_issued_by' => 'Contract issued by', 'premises' => 'Premises', 'payment_external_agency' => 'Payment external agency', 'ext_agency_name' => 'Ext agency name', 'commision' => 'Commision', 'details' => 'Details', 'print_contract_on' => 'Print contract on', 'vacating_date' => 'Vacating date', 'mngmt_amt' => 'Mngmt amt', 'mngmt_perc' => 'Mngmt perc', 'tenant_id' => 'Tenant id', 'created_at' => 'Created at', 'updated_at' => 'Updated at', 'deleted_at' => 'Deleted at', ], /** * Label for workflows. */ 'workflow' => [ 'submit' => [ 'label' => 'Submit', 'icon' => 'save', 'varient' => 'outline', ], 'approve' => [ 'label' => 'Approve', 'icon' => 'save', 'varient' => 'outline', ], 'reject' => [ 'label' => 'Reject', 'icon' => 'save', 'varient' => 'danger', ], 'publish' => [ 'label' => 'Publish', 'icon' => 'save', 'varient' => 'outline', ], 'unpublish' => [ 'label' => 'Unpublish', 'icon' => 'save', 'varient' => 'outline', ], 'archive' => [ 'label' => 'Archive', 'icon' => 'save', 'varient' => 'danger', ], 'unarchive' => [ 'label' => 'Unarchive', 'icon' => 'save', 'varient' => 'outline', ], ], // Customize this permissions if needed. /** * Label for actions. */ 'actions' => [ 'copy' => [ 'label' => 'Copy', 'icon' => 'save', 'varient' => 'outline', ], 'empty' => [ 'label' => 'Empty', 'icon' => 'save', 'varient' => 'outline', ], ], ];