'EmpDetails', 'names' => 'EmpDetails', /** * Singlular and plural name of the module */ 'title' => [ 'main' => 'EmpDetails', 'sub' => 'EmpDetails', 'list' => 'List of emp_details', 'edit' => 'Edit emp_details', 'create' => 'Create new emp_details' ], /** * Options for select/radio/check. */ 'options' => [ ], /** * Placeholder for inputs */ 'placeholder' => [ 'first_name' => 'First Name', 'last_name' => 'Last Name', 'father_name' => 'Father's Name', 'mother_name' => 'Mother's Name', 'f_occupation' => 'Father's Occupation', 'm_occupation' => 'Mother's Occupation', 'guardian_name' => 'Guardian Name', 'mar_status' => 'Marital Status', 'h_w_name' => 'Husband/Wife Name', 'h_w_occupation' => 'Husband/Wife Occupation', 'guardian_number' => 'Guardian Number', 'siblings' => 'Number of Siblings', 'sibling_name' => 'Sibling Name', 'sibling_occupation' => 'Sibling Occupation', 'twe_place' => 'Place', 'twe_ins' => ' Institution Name', 'twe_marks' => '+2 Marks', 'grad_place' => ' Place', 'grad_ins' => ' Institution Name', 'grad_marks' => 'Graduation Marks', 'post_grad_place' => 'Place', 'post_grad_ins' => 'Place', 'past_grad_marks' => 'Post Graduation Marks', 'pro_place' => 'Place', 'prof_ins' => 'Institution Name', 'prof_marks' => 'Professional Degree Marks', 'dip_place' => 'Place', 'dip_ins' => 'Institution Name', 'dip_marks' => ' Marks', 'achievements' => 'Achievements', 'experience' => 'No. of years', 'exp_feild' => 'Feild', 'company_name' => 'Company Name', 'doj' => 'Date of Joining', 'dor' => 'Date of Relieving', 'salary' => 'Salary', 'designation' => 'Designation', 'reason' => 'Reason of Leaving', 'blood_group' => 'Blood Group', 'is_ready' => 'Ready for Donation', 'medical_history' => 'Medical History', 'cause' => 'Special Cause', 'allergic_med' => 'Any Allergic Medication', 'wit_med' => 'Any Allergic Without Medication', 'aadhar_card' => 'Aadhar Card', 'pan_card' => 'Pan Card', 'uan' => 'UAN', 'voter_card' => 'Voter Id Card', 'bname' => 'Name in Bank Records', 'account_num' => 'Account Number', 'type_acc' => 'Type of Account', 'ifsc_code' => 'IFSC Code', 'bank_name' => 'Bank Name', 'branch' => 'Branch Name', 'ref_name' => 'Name', 'ref_num' => ' Number', 'ref_designation' => 'Designation', 'ref_occupation' => 'Occupation', 'portfolio' => 'Portfolio', ], /** * Labels for inputs. */ 'label' => [ 'first_name' => 'First Name', 'last_name' => 'Last Name', 'father_name' => 'Father's Name', 'mother_name' => 'Mother's Name', 'f_occupation' => 'Father's Occupation', 'm_occupation' => 'Mother's Occupation', 'guardian_name' => 'Guardian Name', 'mar_status' => 'Marital Status', 'h_w_name' => 'Husband/Wife Name', 'h_w_occupation' => 'Husband/Wife Occupation', 'guardian_number' => 'Guardian Number', 'siblings' => 'Number of Siblings', 'sibling_name' => 'Sibling Name', 'sibling_occupation' => 'Sibling Occupation', 'twe_place' => 'Place', 'twe_ins' => ' Institution Name', 'twe_marks' => '+2 Marks', 'grad_place' => ' Place', 'grad_ins' => ' Institution Name', 'grad_marks' => 'Graduation Marks', 'post_grad_place' => 'Place', 'post_grad_ins' => 'Place', 'past_grad_marks' => 'Post Graduation Marks', 'pro_place' => 'Place', 'prof_ins' => 'Institution Name', 'prof_marks' => 'Professional Degree Marks', 'dip_place' => 'Place', 'dip_ins' => 'Institution Name', 'dip_marks' => ' Marks', 'achievements' => 'Achievements', 'experience' => 'No. of years', 'exp_feild' => 'Feild', 'company_name' => 'Company Name', 'doj' => 'Date of Joining', 'dor' => 'Date of Relieving', 'salary' => 'Salary', 'designation' => 'Designation', 'reason' => 'Reason of Leaving', 'blood_group' => 'Blood Group', 'is_ready' => 'Ready for Donation', 'medical_history' => 'Medical History', 'cause' => 'Special Cause', 'allergic_med' => 'Any Allergic Medication', 'wit_med' => 'Any Allergic Without Medication', 'aadhar_card' => 'Aadhar Card', 'pan_card' => 'Pan Card', 'uan' => 'UAN', 'voter_card' => 'Voter Id Card', 'bname' => 'Name in Bank Records', 'account_num' => 'Account Number', 'type_acc' => 'Type of Account', 'ifsc_code' => 'IFSC Code', 'bank_name' => 'Bank Name', 'branch' => 'Branch Name', 'ref_name' => 'Name', 'ref_num' => ' Number', 'ref_designation' => 'Designation', 'ref_occupation' => 'Occupation', 'portfolio' => 'Portfolio', ], /** * Columns array for show hide checkbox. */ 'cloumns' => [ 'first_name' => ['name' => 'First Name', 'data-column' => 1, 'checked'], 'last_name' => ['name' => 'Last Name', 'data-column' => 2, 'checked'], 'father_name' => ['name' => 'Father's Name', 'data-column' => 3, 'checked'], 'mother_name' => ['name' => 'Mother's Name', 'data-column' => 4, 'checked'], 'f_occupation' => ['name' => 'Father's Occupation', 'data-column' => 5, 'checked'], 'm_occupation' => ['name' => 'Mother's Occupation', 'data-column' => 6, 'checked'], 'guardian_name' => ['name' => 'Guardian Name', 'data-column' => 7, 'checked'], ], /** * Tab labels */ 'tab' => [ 'name' => 'EmpDetails', ], /** * Texts for the module */ 'text' => [ 'preview' => 'Click on the below list for preview', ], ];