insert([ ]); DB::table('permissions')->insert([ [ 'slug' => 'testing.testing.view', 'name' => 'View Testing', ], [ 'slug' => 'testing.testing.create', 'name' => 'Create Testing', ], [ 'slug' => 'testing.testing.edit', 'name' => 'Update Testing', ], [ 'slug' => 'testing.testing.delete', 'name' => 'Delete Testing', ], // Customize this permissions if needed. [ 'slug' => 'testing.testing.verify', 'name' => 'Verify Testing', ], [ 'slug' => 'testing.testing.approve', 'name' => 'Approve Testing', ], [ 'slug' => 'testing.testing.publish', 'name' => 'Publish Testing', ], [ 'slug' => 'testing.testing.unpublish', 'name' => 'Unpublish Testing', ], [ 'slug' => 'testing.testing.cancel', 'name' => 'Cancel Testing', ], [ 'slug' => 'testing.testing.archive', 'name' => 'Archive Testing', ], ]); DB::table('menus')->insert([ [ 'parent_id' => 1, 'key' => null, 'url' => 'admin/testing/testing', 'name' => 'Testing', 'description' => null, 'icon' => 'fa fa-newspaper-o', 'target' => null, 'order' => 190, 'status' => 1, ], [ 'parent_id' => 2, 'key' => null, 'url' => 'user/testing/testing', 'name' => 'Testing', 'description' => null, 'icon' => 'icon-book-open', 'target' => null, 'order' => 190, 'status' => 1, ], [ 'parent_id' => 3, 'key' => null, 'url' => 'testing', 'name' => 'Testing', 'description' => null, 'icon' => null, 'target' => null, 'order' => 190, 'status' => 1, ], ]); DB::table('settings')->insert([ // Uncomment and edit this section for entering value to settings table. /* [ 'pacakge' => 'Testing', 'module' => 'Testing', 'user_type' => null, 'user_id' => null, 'key' => 'testing.testing.key', 'name' => 'Some name', 'value' => 'Some value', 'type' => 'Default', 'control' => 'text', ], */ ]); } }