Protein Pre-coupled Magnetic Beads

Protein Pre-coupled Magnetic Beads

creativebiostructure 08 Apr 2024 Version 7.0 1 Views Downloads 06 Jan 2025

Protein pre-coupled magnetic beads are an innovative tool facilitating the study and research of proteins, making a significant contribution to the fields of biology and pharmaceuticals. Magnetic beads are small spheres that have been coated with a certain substance or protein, which allows them to act as tiny magnets. Pre-coupled magnetic beads are ones where a certain protein, antibody, or ligand type has already been attached (coupled) to the beads. Protein pre-coupled magnetic beads, then, are magnetic beads that have proteins already attached to them. This allows these beads to specifically bind to ligands, antigens or antibodies that interact with the pre-coupled protein. Protein pre-coupled magnetic beads are classified based on the proteins, antibodies or antigens they are precoated with. The type of protein the beads are coupled with determines its usage and functionality.