Laravel Scout

Scout is a driver based solution for adding full text search to your Eloquent models. Scout Extended provides a great start to integrate Angolia into your Laravel application. Scout APM supports Laravel apps, it's a developer centric tool. Let’s see how to set up Scout for Laravel. To monitor Laravel applications first you need a Scout account. You can sign up for a free trial which is 14 day. Add the low overhead monitoring agent to the dependencies in your project by running this simple command.

 composer require scoutapp/scout-apm-laravel
After running the command the following packages, scout-apm-laravel and scout-apm-php will be installed. Next step is to define some configuration settings to link the agent to your account. Open the .env file and add the following lines at the end of that file.
SCOUT_KEY=”enter your Agent Key here”
SCOUT_NAME=”enter the name of you application here”
In the scout’s setting page you will find the Agent key. A few minutes after this step your data will start to appear in Scout. Now let’s see how to diagnose your application’s performance issues. When you log into Scout the first page gives you a clear idea of the issues, performance of your application as an overview. You can also change the time period and toggle which metrics you want to see in the chart there. There is an Insights tab where you have many algorithms which analyze the project to identify potential n+1 queries and slow queries. Here you can see the vulnerabilities in your application and improve the performance. There are two levels of performance metrics in Scout, endpoint and traces. Scout integrates easily with popular services like honey badger, bugsnag etc. You can see all the monitoring in the main page. Even very difficult issues can be tackled with the features you have in Scout. There is custom context that allows you to define what you need to see. The trace explorer has multi filter charts that allow you to see endpoints that suit the criteria you have defined. You can see all these traces that match these filters in the Transaction Traces part. There is a deploy tracking tab which allows you to see the details such as how many commits involved, which branch etc. Apart from all monitoring solutions Scout has an alerting system too. When the endpoint response times or memory usage go over a certain threshold this alert will be sent.