
Larametrics is an open-source self-hosted metrics and notification platform for Laravel apps. It’s easy to get started and solely takes some minutes to get started.

Some example notifications:

  • Email me when a notice or info message is logged
  • Alert me through Slack and email when an error is logged
  • Let me know when an Admin model is created or deleted
  • Tell me when someone visits the /auth/login route


Laravel 5.2 or higher

PHP 5.6.4 or higher


Larametrics is installed as a standalone package through Composer:

composer require aschmelyun/larametrics

After Composer finishes up,config/app.php file if you're not on Laravel 5.5 or higher:


Add in the necessary database structure with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Aschmelyun\Larametrics\LarametricsServiceProvider"
php artisan migrate

Adding the Dashboard

Add in a helper method to your routes file of choice.


Larametrics routes are covered under a /metrics name, but you can adjust where you want the routes to appear.