Laravel Fortify

Laravel fortify is a front end agnostic authentication backend for Laravel. It enrolls routes and controllers  needed to implement the authentication features. After installing Fortify run route:list Artisan command to see all registered routes. You don’t need Fortify inorder to use Laravel’s authentication services. If you are not using Laravel application starter kit and you need to implement authentication then you should install and use Fortify. You can use Fortify without Jetstream. Fortify registers all controllers you need for registering, logging in and enabling two-factor authentication. You just need to tell Fortify what views to display,post data through Fortify will do the remaining job. After installing Fortify Actions, the directory will be published and you can modify what actions and when actions take place in that file. 

To install it use the below composer command.

composer require laravel/fortify

Then publish its resources using vendor:publish command. It publishes Fortify’s actions to your app/Actions directory.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Laravel\Fortify\FortifyServiceProvider"

Now migrate databases.

php artisan migrate