Laravel Shift

Shift is a subscription plan which allows you to shift your Laravel projects in order to keep them updated. Laravel provides automated and human services for upgrading your applications. The steps to upgrade your laravel application using Shift includes the following three steps. First you have to sign into shift using GitHub/Bitbucket/GitLab account and grant access to your project in the git repo. You don’t have to worry about grinding permission, it is only temporary. Shift will have access to your project only when the upgrading process is running. After the upgrade is completed your project is removed from the Shift server. Shift also doesn’t keep any copy of your project. Second step is to choose the shift. Select the shift you want, you can upgrade from Laravel 4.2 to 7.0 and anything in between. Enter your project’s git repo and branch to upgrade and checkout. Lastly, review the upgrade. Shift upgrades a separate branch and a detailed pull request will be opened and you can review it. Shift subscription starts at $9. If your project is not in any versioning systems like Git/Bitbucket/GitLab currently there are no services available on any other platforms. If you cannot share your project because of some privacy policy or security reasons there is Shift for Docker which you can use locally. You cannot  upgrade more than one version at a time since Shift focuses mainly on improving context. 

These are available shifts now:

Shifts for Laravel include:

Laravel 5.0 Shift - upgrade from Laravel 4.2 to 5.0

Laravel 5.1 Shift - upgrade from Laravel 5.0 to 5.1

Laravel 5.2 Shift - upgrade from Laravel 5.1 to 5.2

Laravel 5.3 Shift - upgrade from Laravel 5.2 to 5.3

Laravel 5.4 Shift - upgrade from Laravel 5.3 to 5.4

Laravel 5.5 Shift - upgrade from Laravel 5.4 to 5.5

Laravel 5.6 Shift - upgrade from Laravel 5.5 to 5.6

Laravel 5.7 Shift - upgrade from Laravel 5.6 to 5.7

Laravel Tests Shift - upgrade tests from BrowserKit

Laravel Linter - detect lint in your Laravel project

Laravel Analyzer - are you following the "Laravel Way"

Consolidate Namespace Shift - condense custom namespaces with Laravel

Shifts for Lumen include:

Lumen to Laravel - convert a Lumen project to Laravel

Shifts for PHP include:

PHP 5.5 Shift - upgrade from PHP 5.x to 5.5

PHP 5.6 Shift - upgrade from PHP 5.5 to 5.6

PHP 7.0 Shift - upgrade from PHP 5.6 to 7.0

PSR-2 - adopt the PSR-2 code style

PSR-4 - upgrade from PSR-0 to PSR-4

Mysqli Shift - convert mysql to mysqli