Laravel Telescope

When developing projects encountering bugs are a situation out of control. The bugs can be just a typo or a missing semicolon or an undefined function, it varies widely. If you have an idea about what are the things going on in your project you can easily find and solve the bugs. Laravel Telescope is a debug assistant which gives you an insight into some crucial information about the functions or parts of code from where the bug appeared. It is easy to install Telescope with composer.

composer require laravel/telescope

php artisan telescope:install

php artisan migrate

Telescope provides insight into your exceptions, log entries, database queries, queued jobs, mail notifications, cache etc in your application. It shows how each part of your application works together. Some previous alternative applications are Clockwork, Laravel Debugbar, Log viewer. There are multiple watchers that are designed to collect information about each request coming to your application, give a preview of database queries and how much time it takes to execute, exceptions encountered, events, queues, commands etc. These watchers are configured to monitor all these aspects of the application. You can also use Telescope in production.