Laravel Vapor

                                  Laravel Vapor is a serverless deployment platform for Laravel developers. It used Amazon Web Services Lambda. It is simple and has auto- scaling ability while its serverless. It can be considered as Laravel Forge for the serverless technology. Vapor interfaces Laravel applications with SQS queues, databases, Redis clusters, networks and more.  To integrate Vapor to your application you need PHP 7.3+ and Laravel 6.0+. You are required to subscribe to Vapor if you want to manage and integrate your projects with it.

Laravel Vapor applications are deployed using Vapor CLI and it is required to install it globally or on each project using Composer.

composer require laravel/vapor-cli

composer global require laravel/vapor-cli

Laravel Vapor encourages collaboration with the teams by allowing as many teams by spending on on a single plan. There are two different types of databases in Vapor, serverless and fixed-size. It has capability to form and manage elastic Redis cache Clusters without undergoing downtime. There are many more advantages for Vapor.