Laravel Voyager

Voyager is an Admin panel and BREAD system that supports Laravel 6 and newer versions. BREAD stands for Browse, Read, Edit, Add and Delete. You can install the Voyager in 3 simple steps. 

Step 1. 

Create a new Laravel application and include a voyager package using composer command.

composer require tcg/voyager

Step 2.

Create a new database and add credentials to the .env file.





Then change your website URL inside of the APP_URL variable in the .env file.


Step 3.

To install Voyager run the artisan command.

php artisan voyager:install

Then start your local development server using php artisan serve command.

                                                 You can handle your database directly from Voyager admin. When you create a new table you can easily create a model using voyager by specifying it.

 Voyager provides a fully functional media manager which helps you to view, edid, delete files from storage.Another great feature of Voyager is the menu builder which allows you to build menus for your site. You can add/edit/delete menu items.