Node 16 version

The launching of Node.JS latest major release was in April 2021. This will become an LTS release in october 2021. NodeJS comes with v9.0 of V8 JavaScript engine. Many improvements have been brought forward by V8. Function calls became faster with mismatched argument length. JavaScript allows you to pass different numbers of arguments to a function's signature.

function demo(a, b, c) {
    // ...
// OK
// Also OK
demo(1, 2, 3, 4)

The first variant is normally used when a parameter is optional.Other variants occur when a function is refactored to remove an argument. This kind of usage used to cause performance bottlenecks. Another improvement is in super property. It lets you access the parent of a class that's using inheritance. This used to be unoptimized. New features for regular expressions like requesting an array containing start and end positions of each matched capture group has also been added. The new version will also introduce npm v7 to the LTS channel. Many internal refactoring has been performed in npm to improve performance and overhaul the peer dependencies workflow.