Node.js Sleep

  In JavaScript to sleep a function for a certain amount of time we have sleep function. It is helpful to pause the execution of a function for any decided amount of time.  Regardless of the language sleep function can be used. JavaScript doesn’t have a native sleep function. After the introduction of promises async/await we can implement sleep in a readable way.

Install sleep in Node.js using npm.

npm install --save sleep-promise

 It is easy to use a sleep function. Using this npm package use async/await.

const sleep = require('sleep-promise');

// In any async function:

await sleep(2000); // Wait 2000 ms

sleep variant is fully asynchronous so it will not block any other process.

const sleep = require('sleep-promise');

(async () => {

console.log("This prints immediately");

await sleep(2000);

console.log("This prints 2 seconds later");
