The Lavalite Content management system

LAVALITE CMS is a website application that supports the creation and modification of digital content. They are qualified for the creation, management, and sharing of content on the intranet, extranet, or a website. It provides templates for publishing: easier and more compatible with existing structure/design. Lavalite, simple to write content and track changes on pages and, if necessary, allowing the previous versions to be obtained. Most users are non-technical so, it is much important to assess the ease of use of the end user content editing interface, the template structure interface, and the content support system. Laravel Lavalite framework users an MVC architectural pattern [model – view – controller] that separates and handle specific development aspects of any application built and increases performances. Lavalite developer to write clean and legible codes, which helps in better documentation.

User experience/User interaction

Excellent Documentation

The main developer of Lavalite has written the documentation of the framework himself. Before I start working with a framework, I read the docs from front to back, before I write a single line a code. That is, I read them if they are readable or understandable, which often they are not. In those cases, I just usually get stuck and give up.


Laravel is supported by Laracasts, which features a mix of free and paid videos that show you how to use Laravel.

Intuitive Syntax

It shows us how to write Lavalite code that is descriptive and focused to the leading to a clearer and more maintainable code.

Practical Application Structure

The application structure is actually more complex in some ways, but ironically, this makes Lavalite easier to work with. So I just think it’s a practical approach.

Out-of-the-box User Model

Having a ready-made user model lets you get your projects up and running quickly and it’s much appreciated. It’s also nice to have the forgot password functionality there because that involves setting tokens that expire, which can be fairly complicated and time-consuming to set up. It’s cool to have this done before you even start.

Blade Templating Engine

The Lavalite  Blade templating engine is so intuitive and makes working with the typical PHP/HTML spaghetti so much better, that’s it one of the best features of the framework.

 Dependency Injection Made Simple

Lavalite Dependency injection allows you to code to a contract instead of a concrete class, the benefit being that you can easily swap out implementations with minimal impact on the code.

Supporting Products and Packages

Lavalite is more like a commercial product than an open source library. It has the polish and the support to make it easy to work with. Lavalite takes you as close to the promised land of coder happiness as I have ever seen with PHP.