useMemo in React.js

useMemo is a hook in React.js. useMemo is used to memorize the function return value so that the value will be computed again only when its dependencies are changed. When using useMemo you don’t have to call these values on every render. Let’s go through an example to see the use of useMemo and what it actually does. We have a function called computeLetterCount. This function computeLetterCount counts the number of letters in a word so when a current word changes there will be  a delay since it has to memorize computeLetterCount on the new word. There is a counter that is  incremented each time the increment button is clicked. When the counter gets incremented there is no delay unlike the computLetterCount. The cached value is returned since the input word hasn’t changed.

import { useState, useMemo } from 'react';

// Usage

function App() {

  // State for our counter

  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

  // State to keep track of current word in array we want to show

  const [wordIndex, setWordIndex] = useState(0);

  // Words we can flip through and view letter count

  const words = ['hey', 'this', 'is', 'cool'];

  const word = words[wordIndex];

  // Returns number of letters in a word

  // We make it slow by including a large and completely unnecessary loop

  const computeLetterCount = word => {

    let i = 0;

    while (i < 1000000000) i++;

    return word.length;


  // Memoize computeLetterCount so it uses a cached return value of input array ...

  // ... values are the same as last time the function was run.

  const letterCount = useMemo(() => computeLetterCount(word), [word]);

  // This would result in lag when incrementing the counter because ...

  // ... we'd have to wait for an expensive function when re-rendering.

  //const letterCount = computeLetterCount(word);

  return (

    <div style={{ padding: '15px' }}>

      <h2>Compute number of letters (slow )</h2>

      <p>"{word}" has {letterCount} letters</p>


        onClick={() => {

          const next = wordIndex + 1 === words.length ? 0 : wordIndex + 1;




        Next word


      <h2>Increment a counter (fast )</h2>

      <p>Counter: {count}</p>

      <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>Increment</button>


