Vuetify -Material Component Framework for Vue.js 2

Many of us know what Vue.js is but don’t know what Vuetify is. Let’s get acquainted with Vuetify. Vuetify is a material component framework for Vue.js 2 as the title says. It is made to provide clean, semantic and reusable components that makes building your application a piece of cake. It uses Google's material design as a design pattern. It also utilizes features of other frameworks like Materialize.css, Material Design Lite, Semantic UI and Bootstrap 4. Vuetify can be called a Front-End Framework. Many companies like Barogo, taigabot use the Vuetify framework in their tech stacks. Let’s see what makes it a successful tool for front end development. It has full accessibility and section 508 support. Good server side rendering support and RTL support. You can also use premium themes with Vuetify. It supports all modern browsers like Safari 9+ and IE11. To use Vuetify with Vue CLI do the following steps.

Using Vue CLI creates a vue project.

 $ vue create my-app

// navigate to new project directory

$ cd my-app

We have an instantiated project now add the Vuetify Vue CLI package using the cli.

$ vue add vuetify