What's new? bootstrap 4 in web development

Bootstrap, one of the most familiar front-end frameworks among web designers. Bootstrap 4 is formed on these standards: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and Sass. Lavalite with Bootstrap is an easy process for web development. Abilities in the general release of version 4 include:

Updates to print styles and utility classes, with printed pages now rendered to ensure reasonable sizing rather than being rendered as mobile devices. Also, print display utilities offer new display values to match standard display utilities.

  • It is now easier to add borders or border subsets to components.
  • Maps for the Sass CSS extension have been updated. Developers now can add, remove, or replace key-value pairs across CSS.
  • Responsive classes have been added for greater control over the flexbox grid. These include the .order-0 and .order-last classes.
  • Improvements to reuse and extension of variables.
  • Code cleanup.

The latest bootstrap grid is now powered by flexbox, many of utility classes have been renamed, and a new XL breakpoint has been added. Let's go through the major changes in Bootstrap;

1. Normalize Dropped, Reboot Here to Stay

2. Major Browser Support Change

3. Giant Move to Flexbox

4. Improved Grid System

5. Media Queries on Steriods

6. Improved Form Support in Bootstrap 4

7. Sass By Default, Less Eliminated

8. Elevated Card Components

9. Spacing Utilities

10. Improved Tooltip auto-placement Support

Bootstrap 4 came loaded with newly released features and meaningful improvements. It is better, more customizable and slick.