What's new in Angular 8?

Angular has released its latest major version Angular 8 in May 2019. We will go through what has changed and what features has been added newly. The new release has brought some workflow and performance improvements. Looking at version 7, it primarily focused on Angular Ivy. It has changes like new CLI, Scrolling Module, DragDropModule. An improvement in performance due to removal of reflect-meta polyfill and adding Budget Bundles by default which notifies you when the app reaches its size limits. Angular 7 also updated typescript 3.1, RxjS 6.3 and added Node 10 support. Now let’s focus on the Angular 8 features. Some new set of powerful features like core framework, Angular Material library and Command Line interface has been added. For integration Firebase with Angular #angular/fire has added and NativeScript for building native mobile apps with StackBlitz integrated IDE.