When to use Nuxt.js instead of Vue.js ?

Nuxt.js is a framework built to make development easy and powerful. It enables developers to create Server Side Rendered applications. In this application Node.js will pass HTML to clients based on Vue components. Nuxt can create a Statistically Generated website for applications. This helps users to publish their apps without servers like GitHub.Nuxt is of great help when you need Server Side Rendering or Statistic Site Generation. 

 In your nuxt.config.js file’s head property you can define default meta tags. This is an advantage while doing SEO for your application. For each page you can define titles and descriptions by adding head property inside the <script> tag of the view. Nuxt will also generate the routing for you automatically based on your applications folder structure. Authentication is also easy to implement using Nuxt. . For authentication Nuxt uses its middleware functionality. To define a custom function before rendering a page you can define a custom function that you want to execute in the /middleware folder and then specify its name in middleware property. 

To install Nuxt.js run the below npm commands .

npm install nuxt
npm init nuxt-app